Morning stiffness and joint pain arising occasionally can be considered normal, especially after a hectic day, heavy weightlifting, or overuse of joints. But if despite such strength-consuming activities, you are frequently experiencing these episodes of joint pain and stiffness, that also last for more than 30 minutes, then it could be due to rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune joint disease.

Around 8 out of 10 Rheumatoid arthritis or Amavata patients visiting the hospital come with the complaint of intense morning stiffness after waking up.” Says Dr. Mukesh Sharda, the owner of renowned Ayurvedic Clinic Chain – Dr. Sharda Ayurveda.

What does Rheumatoid arthritis feel like?

While morning stiffness is a common hallmark, it’s essential to understand that it’s not the only indicator of Rheumatoid arthritis. In reality, there is a long list of RA symptoms that a patient may undergo. It mainly includes:

  1. Painful Joints: Such pain is most of the time symmetrical, meaning-affecting both sides of the body.
  2. Swelling: The joints may become inflamed, and appear red and warm to the touch.
  3. Fatigue: RA can also lead to extreme tiredness, fatigue or malaise.
  4. Reduced appetite or weight loss: Inflammation can affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, which sometimes results in weight loss.
  5. Fever: In certain cases, low-grade fever can also be seen.

It is crucial for the patients to know that rheumatoid arthritis disease is a much complex joint concern than it just normally appears. Its symptoms may vary from one person to another and even its presence can not be determined on any single specific test.

How is RA detected?

RA, a complicated auto-immune condition, requires a mix of clinical examination, X-rays, Ultrasounds, Blood tests, MRIs, and the presence of RF (Rheumatoid factor) or anti-CCPs to detect the condition appropriately. It is possible for a patient to have rheumatoid arthritis, even when Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor tests exhibit negative results, and such condition is termed as Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

Expert’s advice for RA patients

The key to managing and preventing rheumatoid arthritis and countless similar concerns is to listen to your body. Through early diagnosis and timely treatment, RA can be managed and prevention can be obtained against severe joint damage or deformity. Early detection of the disease, more effective the treatment, and vice versa.

While there is no single specific cure for RA, there are various treatment options available, including:

  • Medications: Helps to reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis for a definite period.
  • Physical therapy: Exercises that help maintain joint mobility and strength.
  • Dietary changes: Following dietary precautions to boost joint health and reduce arthritis symptoms.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding smoking can help manage the disease.

Ayurveda, the trust of countless individuals worldwide, makes use of all the mentioned measures to add race to the healing journey of the patients and ensure them with long-term and permanent relief.

If you are also having morning stiffness or other accompanying joint complications, then treat them as signals from your body that something is wrong and warrants a visit to the doctor, or rheumatologist.